lame.exe is an executable file that is part of the LAME v3.99.3 for Windows program developed by Audacity. The software is usually about 1.54 MB in size.The .exe extension of a file name displays an executable file. In some cases, executable files can damage your computer. Please read the following to decide for yourself whether the lame.exe file on your computer is a virus or trojan horse that you should delete, or whether it is a valid Windows operating system file or a reliable application.Recommended: Identify lame.exe related errors(optional offer for Reimage - Website EULA Privacy Policy Uninstall)
Find its location (it should be in C:\Program Files\Lame For Audacity\) and compare the size etc with the above facts.If you suspect that you may be infected with a virus, then you must attempt to fix it immediately. To delete the lame.exe virus, you should download and install a full security application like Malwarebytes. Note that not all tools can detect every type of malware, so you may need to try several options before you're successful.In addition, the functionality of the virus may itself affect the deletion of lame.exe. In this case, you must enable Safe Mode with Networking - a secure environment that disables most processes and loads only the most required services and drivers. When there, you can run a security program and a complete system analysis. Can I remove or delete lame.exe?You should not delete a safe executable file without a valid reason, as this may affect the performance of any associated programs that use that file. Be sure to keep your software and programs up to date to avoid future problems caused by corrupted files. With regard to software functionality issues, check driver and software updates more often, so there is little or no risk of such problems occurring.According to various sources online,9% of people remove this file, so it may be harmless, but it is recommended that you check the trustworthiness of this executable yourself to determine if it is safe or a virus. The best diagnosis for these suspicious files is a complete system analysis with Reimage. If the file is classified as malicious, these applications will also delete lame.exe and get rid of the associated malware.However, if it is not a virus and you need to delete lame.exe, then you can uninstall LAME v3.99.3 for Windows from your computer using its uninstaller, which should be located at: "C:\Program Files\Lame For Audacity\unins000.exe". If you cannot find it's uninstaller, then you may need to uninstall LAME v3.99.3 for Windows to completely delete lame.exe. You can use the Add/Remove Program function in the Windows Control Panel.
Lame v3.99.3 for windows.exe Audacity
These .exe error messages can occur during the installation of a program, during the execution of it's associate software program, LAME v3.99.3 for Windows, during the startup or shutdown of Windows, or even during the installation of the Windows operating system. Keeping a record of when and where your lame.exe error occurs is important information when it comes to troubleshooting. How to fix lame.exeA clean and tidy computer is one of the best ways to avoid problems with LAME v3.99.3 for Windows. This means performing malware scans, cleaning your hard disk with cleanmgr and sfc /scannow, uninstalling programs you no longer need, monitoring any auto-start programs (with msconfig), and enabling automatic Windows updates. Don't forget to always make regular backups or at least define recovery points.If you have a bigger problem, try to remember the last thing you did or the last thing you installed before the problem. Use the resmon command to identify the processes that are causing your problem. Even in case of serious problems, instead of reinstalling Windows, you should try to repair your installation or, in the case of Windows 8, by executing the command DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth. This allows you to repair the operating system without data loss.To help you analyze the lame.exe process on your computer, you may find the following programs useful: Security Task Manager displays all Windows tasks running, including built-in hidden processes such as keyboard and browser monitoring or auto-start entries. A single security risk rating indicates the probability that it is spyware, malware or a potential Trojan horse. This anti-virus detects and removes spyware, adware, Trojans, keyloggers, malware and trackers from your hard disk.
It is not recommended to download replacement exe files from any download sites, as these may themselves contain viruses etc. If you need to download or reinstall lame.exe, then we recommend that you reinstall the main application associated with it LAME v3.99.3 for Windows.Operating system informationlame.exe errors can occur in any of the following Microsoft Windows operating systems:Windows 10Windows 8.1Windows 7Windows VistaWindows XPWindows MEWindows 2000RECOMMENDED: Click here to troubleshoot Windows errors and optimize system performance
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Hallo,ich habe mir den audacity runter geladen und jetzt auch den lame. Aber wenn ich auf Aufnahme klicke, dann kommt eine Meldung: Fehler beim öffnen den Tongerätes. Versuchen Sie Audiohortst, Aufnahmegerät und die Projektabtasttast zu ändern.Können Sie mir helfen, dieses Problem zu lösen.lg Ivonne
Hallo,ich habe die Lame Version 3.99.5 und audacity Version 2.1.2.Wenn ich eine Datei als .mp3 abspeichern will, zeige ich auf die lame_enc.dll. Es kommt dann stets die Meldung:Sie wollen lame_enc.dll v3.99 einsetzen. Diese Version ist aber nicht kompatibel mit Audacity 2.1.2.Was mache ich falsch?
Mac OSX 64 bit LAME mp3 library for Audacity 2.3.1 and above: pkg installer versions (ZIP version is provided as alternative, PKG is better than DMG). (FFmpeg is not for MP3 export for that you need LAME, see aboveįFmpeg for older versions of Audacity FFmpeg 0.6.2 Binary compatible with Audacity 1.3.13 to 2.0.5 only, on Windows:įFmpeg_v0.6.2_for_Audacity_on_Windows.exeĦ4-bit libraries for Audacity 2.3.1 and laterĪudacity 2.3.1 on Mac is now a 64-bit application and thus requires 64-bit libraries for LAME and Ffmpeg. You can also download the standalone lame v3.100 exe by clicking here - ( Virustotal Scan here, dont mind the one false positive with Qihoo-360 antivirus)įFmpeg for Windows and latest Audacity versions including 3.2.0 FFmpeg RECOMMENDED ZIP OPTION: - (SHA256 SUM here and Virustotal check here)įFmpeg 5.0.0 Binary for Windows, compatible with Audacity 3.2.0 and later (please update, or use older versions below)įFmpeg for versions 3.x of Audacity FFmpeg RECOMMENDED ZIP OPTION: FFmpeg 2.2.2 Binary for Windows, compatible with Audacity 2.0.6 and later (please update, or use v0.6.2 below) You can also find 3.98.2 that is known to work with 1.3.x If you need or want a newer version of Lame, because of the performance improvements with newer AMD and Intel processors, here is v3.100 in a ZIP file, known to work with Audacity 2.x. FILES I HOST ARE SAFE, but always check your downloaded files with RECOMMENDED Installer Package for Windows: Lame_v3.99.3_for_Windows.exe - (SHA256 SUM here) NOTICE: MacAfee and at least one other antivirus flags this site as unsafe, which is a false positive. Open Audacity, go to Library Preferences and configure it to search on the well known folder you extracted the files to. If you use the installers, and Audacity does not detect LAME, download the ZIP option, extract the files inside to a well known folder, then The Audacity(r) QA Team suggests users download the ZIP version instead of the. TO DOWNLOAD Lame and FFmpeg for Windows, click links BELOW: 2ff7e9595c