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Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills For Physical Dysfunction, 7e (Occupational Therapy)


Using a comprehensive, case-based learning approach, Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction, 7th Edition provides a thorough introduction to occupational therapy practice and prepares you to work with adults who have physical disabilities. 48 chapters cover everything from OT history, theory, process, and practice to evaluation, intervention, performance skills, and client factors. Significant updates have been made to this edition, including a new full-color design and new content on polytrauma and advances in prosthetics and assistive technologies. This leading text also offers a wide range of helpful features, such as threaded case studies, OT practice notes, and ethical considerations that help you apply content to a clinical setting.

Schell, B.A.B., Gillen G., & Coppola, S. (2019). Contemporary occupational therapy practice. In B. A. B. Schell & G. Gillen (Eds.). Willard and Spackman's occupational therapy (13th ed.). (pp. 56-70). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills For Physical Dysfunction, 7e (Occupational Therapy

Gillen, G. (2018). Cerebrovascular accident/stroke. In W. Schultz-Krohn & H. Pendleton (Eds.). Pedretti's occupational therapy: Practice skills for physical disfunction (8th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier Science/Mosby.

Gillen, G. (2018). Evaluation and treatment of limited occupational performance secondary to cognitive dysfunction. In W. Schultz-Krohn & H. Pendleton (Eds.). Pedretti's occupational therapy: Practice skills for physical disfunction (8th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier Science/Mosby.

Schell, B.A.B., Scaffa, M.E., Gillen G., & Cohn, E.S. (2014). Contemporary occupational therapy practice. In B.A.B. Schell, G. Gillen & M.E. Scaffa (Eds.). Willard and Spackman's occupational therapy (12th ed.) (pp. 47-58). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Gillen, G. (2013). Cerebrovascular accident/stroke. In W. Schultz-Krohn & H. Pendleton (Eds.). Pedretti's occupational therapy: Practice skills for physical dysfunction (7th ed.). (pp. 844-880). St. Louis: Elsevier Science/Mosby.

Gillen, G. (2013). Evaluation and treatment of limited occupational performance secondary to cognitive dysfunction. In W. Schultz-Krohn & H. Pendleton (Eds.). Pedretti's occupational therapy: Practice skills for physical dysfunction (7th ed.). (pp. 648-677). St. Louis: Elsevier Science/Mosby.

Gillen, G. (2013). Degenerative neurologic diseases. In M. Early (Ed.). Physical dysfunction practice skills for the occupational therapy assistant (3rd ed.). (pp. 515-533). St. Louis: Elsevier Science/Mosby.

Gillen, G. (2006). Cerebral vascular accident. In W. Schultz-Krohn & H. Pendleton (Eds.). Pedretti's occupational therapy: Practice skills for physical dysfunction (6th ed.). (pp. 802-837). St. Louis: Elsevier Science/Mosby.

  • Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction, 8th Edition prepares you for occupational therapy practice with adults who have physical disabilities. This cornerstone text provides a foundation for the development of clinical reasoning skills in a comprehensive, case-based learning approach to physical dysfunction. New full color photos and helpful pedagogy, including threaded case studies, OT Practice Notes, ethical considerations, and end-of-chapter review questions, reinforce learning, enhance retention, and prompt you to apply principles in a clinical setting.Key Features:UNIQUE! Threaded case studies, woven throughout each chapter, help you apply concepts to real-life clinical practice.

  • UNIQUE! Ethical Considerations boxes highlight the key ethical concerns of treatment options so you can practice ethically.

  • UNIQUE! OT Practice Notes convey important considerations for professional practice.

  • Focuses on the occupational therapist's role in health and wellness, which the OTA has identified as a key practice area in the 21st century.

  • Information on prevention, rather than simply intervention or treatment, shows how OTs can take a proactive role in patient care.

  • Evidence-based content included throughout, especially in regards to evaluation and intervention.

  • Content on occupational therapy's commitment to considering cultural and ethnic diversity in every chapter.

  • Key terms, chapter outlines, chapter objectives lay out the information you can expect to learn from each chapter.

  • New to this Edition:NEW! Coverage of the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF-3) increases your understanding of the OTPF-3 and its relationship to the practice of occupational therapy with adults who have physical disabilities.

  • NEW! All new section on the therapeutic use of self, which the OTPF lists as the single most important line of intervention occupational therapists can provide.

  • NEW! Chapter on hospice and palliative care presents the evidence-base for hospice and palliative care occupational therapy; describes the role of the occupational therapist with this population within the parameters of the third edition of the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF-3); and recommends clinician self-care strategies to support ongoing quality care.

  • UPDATED! Completely revised Spinal Cord Injury chapter addresses restoration of available musculature; self-care; independent living skills; short- and long-term equipment needs; environmental accessibility; and educational, work, and leisure activities. It looks at how the occupational therapist offers emotional support and intervention during every phase of the rehabilitation program.

  • UPDATED! Completely revised chapter on low back pain discusses topics that are critical for the occupational therapist including: anatomy; client evaluation; interventions areas; client-centered occupational therapy analysis; and intervention strategies for frequently impacted occupations.

  • UPDATED! Revised Special Needs of the Older Adult chapter now utilizes a top-down approach, starting with wellness and productive aging, then moving to occupation and participation in meaningful activity and finally, highlighting body functions and structures which have the potential to physiologically decline as a person ages.

  • NEW and EXPANDED! Additional section in the Orthotics chapter looks at the increasing array of orthotic devices available in today's marketplace, such as robot-assisted therapy, to support the weak upper extremity.

  • UPDATED! Revised chapters on joint range of motion and evaluation of muscle strength include new full color photos to better illustrate how to perform these key procedures.

  • EXPANDED! New information in the Burns and Burn Rehabilitation chapter, including expanded discussions on keloid scars, silver infused dressings, biosynthetic products, the reconstructive phase of rehabilitation, and patient education.

  • UPDATED and EXPANDED! Significantly updated chapter on amputations and prosthetics includes the addition of a new threaded case study on "Daniel", a 19-year-old combat engineer in the United States Army who suffered the traumatic amputation of his non-dominant left upper extremity below the elbow.


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